Interview with Matteo Covre

I started even before I finished my studies, while I was going to school. To be honest, I was more attracted to “doing” than to studying, and so my father took me under his wing in the summer and brought me along to work with him. He gave me simple jobs to do, whatever came up. Covering handles with leather, for example. I must have done thousands of these…

Did you actually like it?

Yes, it was a rewarding commitment. When I joined the company full time, I carried out increasingly demanding tasks: I made a lot of leather chairs!

I started cutting: punches were used, tools for cutting leather using pressure, according to different shapes. Then I moved on to gluing and covering, putting the leather or leather “dress” on the frame. I liked gluing, the spray booth, finishing the product with my own hands, seeing what came out of a bare, raw frame.

So, I learned what work meant, what it takes to be done well, what it feels like to do. I worked alongside many people who are still here in the company.

When did you decide to go from processor to producer?

When I unloaded the unfinished structures to be upholstered from the customers’ trucks, I was always curious as to what component of the furniture it was, and where it would live once it was finished.

It made me proud to know that I was going to do that piece.

The urge to start doing something of my own came from my father: I offered to help him, he accepted, so I assisted with the first walk-in closet entirely covered in leather, the Archimede. As a child I used to play with Lego bricks: I liked building toys, but making real and complete products with leather and hide was thrilling.

However, your products today are not only made of leather or hide

No, of course. One day, working with a Russian client, I realised that the desire for classical opulence was passing. The search for more balanced products arrived, in which the mix of materials was more skilful, calibrated, carefully weighed out to obtain a luxurious product, but one more respectful of resources.

Since that moment we’ve changed our look, and I’m sure it’s for the better. In combining leather with other top-quality materials, metals with sophisticated finishes, and woods with a strong personality, the end result is an amazing product.

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