Covre Giulio


Interview with Giulio Covre

The earliest days consisted of simply just getting started. We said a bit banally, “don’t sit on your hands”, go and do anything to avoid being idle. And then, almost automatically things really started to take off and really happen: the things we wanted; we had chosen. And the force behind this was the drive and intuition of my mother.

She was the driving force behind all of us children, pushing us to the initiative: but with me, I was like the flywheel – she made me learn how to work the leather and hide. We had no training, no precedent in this field, in the family. It was a leap in the dark.

So, you did the traditional apprenticeship?

Yes. I trained with the best in the field. Then I created my own business and started by covering the small accessories for wardrobes, hangers, handles… I was working for others; I was supplying components that were already beginning to be highly regarded.

While the business was expanding, I felt like doing something on my own, so I made a pair of chair models. I liked it, it’s very rewarding to do new things as opposed to the same things every day.

Then one day I decided to make my own version of a walk-in wardrobe, not just accessories but the whole piece, which would give more prominence to my work.

Is that when you started designing?

I already knew Marina Bani and Marco Penati. We were already working with them on other jobs, and there was a special understanding almost immediately: I asked them to design it for me.

Thus, the Archimede wardrobe was born. A wall system based on racks, in which the shelves, the hangers, the hat racks, the baskets and the empty pockets were all covered in leather. It was a moment of great satisfaction.

And then did Matteo set out on this same path?

Matteo always followed me, he was curious and he already had a great desire to do business. He was very young and energetic …

I look at him now and it’s like looking at myself many years ago. Of course, I know that when you undertake something new you also take risks, but in life you have to know how to reinvent yourself and come up with new things.

Anyway, yes, it makes me proud to see him follow this path. Today everything seems more difficult than in the past, but I believe that the company, when it is entirely in the hands of my children, will be in excellent hands.

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