La qualità è arte


realizzazione sedia in pelle casa covre

Essential leather

Leather or hide in general, is one of the primary materials used by humans since the dawn of time. In addition to wood and stone, which are part of the plant and mineral world, the bipedal ante litteram ecologist soon learned to exploit all the spoils of his hunt. Thus, he captured and developed the remarkable potential of the hides of the animals he hunted for food. And not just to wear protect himself from the cold.

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letto leonardo

The renewable value of leather

Sensitivity to our environment has raised a new awareness of the materials we use in our daily lives, and for millennia, leather has been among these. In the wake of this new awareness, there have also been questions about the responsible use of this undoubtedly natural and renewable material, but to what extent and at what price is it sustainable?

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Interview with Matteo Covre

I started even before I finished my studies, while I was going to school. To be honest, I was more attracted to “doing” than to studying, and so my father took me under his wing in the summer and brought me along to work with him. He gave me simple jobs to do, whatever came up. Covering handles with leather, for example. I must have done thousands of these…

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Covre Giulio

Interview with Giulio Covre

The earliest days consisted of simply just getting started. We said a bit banally, “don’t sit on your hands”, go and do anything to avoid being idle. And then, almost automatically things really started to take off and really happen: the things we wanted; we had chosen. And the force behind this was the drive and intuition of my mother.

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